Thursday, 12 September 2013

C'est la vie

For all my life, I hate changes!

However, in this fast pace internet age, many often we are forced to change by the situation, by the environment or by the people around us......

As a very powerless human being, I believe the best way to live life peacefully is to follow the flow.  I also believe that fate will naturally unfold itself to the best for us all.

C'est la vie!


  1. Hi! C'est la vie,
    Just pop in to congratulate your arrival here.

    1. Hello Gravel, Glad that we can meet in this platform. Let's keep blogging and sharing.

    2. This blog is a new toy to me. I just read your blog and want to leave you a message but I do not know how to do it. Sigh, I think I have to learn more. :(

  2. From chaos to harmony and back to chaos again. And the cycle goes on and on. That's life, isn't it.

    1. Hi Peter, Yes, life is a mixture of chaos and harmony, good things and bad things. We need to embrace life as well as all its changes. As I am a newbie in this blog, please give me your blog link so that I may pay you visit for more sharing. Best.

    2. Here's my blog site: <>
      By the way, I would suggest that you delete the coding「驗證碼」requirement in your reply box so as to make replying easier for your visitors.
      Below are the steps:
      由於回應「驗證碼」難於辨認, 往往為訪客回應時造成諸多不便。因此建議大家一定要消除驗證碼, 方便回應。步驟如下"
      先去首頁右上角 按"設定", 選"文章和留言", 在"顯示字詞驗證"處 → 設成「否」.
      記住回到右上方按→ "儲存設定" (任何變改都要"儲存設定")
      Look forward to seeing you again.

    3. Hello Peter, Thanks for the guidelines and tips. This blog is my new toy, it will require me some time to get familiar with the functions. Sure, would like to share more in our blogs. Best.

  3. I just joined in to your blog, so it will be easier to get into my blog now.
    Like you I'm still learning from the chaos. Let don't give up.

    1. Thank you, Gravel, I still cannot view your blog (main page) directly but seeing something like comments from Peter on your profile. I simply keep your blog link in "My favorite". Anyway, let's explore and learn more. Good night.
